Friday, October 12, 2018

Unruh radiation and a time mirror

UPDATE: the concept of a time mirror is wrong. See our post:


The previous blog post introduced the concept of a time mirror.

If we shoot a monochromatic flux of positive frequency photons at an accelerating mirror, photons of various frequencies will be reflected back in time. Obviously, the negative frequencies in the reflected chirp have something to do with the reflection back in time.

Note that the reflection is a complex process. A whole monochromatic photon does not get reflected back in time, but only parts of its energy.

The mirror reflects some photons back in time. The human observer will think that mysteriously, a flux of antiphotons, that is, photons with a negative frequency, is arriving at the mirror. This is backward causation: the flux and the mirror cause the past produce a flux of antiphotons.

t         \  |
^          \|
|           /|
|         /  |
|       /
---------------> x

In the diagram above, the vertical line is the accelerating mirror, the incoming arrow is the photon and antiphoton flux.

How to conserve energy? Probably both fluxes seem to reflect from the mirror normally.

Thus, we can use a moving mirror to "influence the past".

Is the flux of negative frequency photons Unruh radiation? Birrell and Davies claimed that the accelerating mirror will produce radiation even in the absence of the incoming flux.

If we remove the incoming flux, then there is no reflection back in time. Therefore, there are no antiphotons nor any Unruh radiation.

We however, do have a mysterious energy flux which appears if we shoot a flux of photons at the accelerating mirror. The energy flux does not take its energy from the movement of the mirror. The energy arrives from the past as the flux of antiphotons.

Traditional quantum field theory thinks that there are no negative frequency photons, or antiphotons. We already in the spring conjectured that the theory is wrong in this. The error is that traditional quantum field theory mixes the concept of classical waves (there certainly exist Doppler-shifted chirps of light with negative frequencies), and the concept of the wave function. In the wave function we can prohibit negative frequencies, but not in the classical world. The apparent error of Hawking and Unruh is in this mix-up.

Let us for a while assume that the mirror would create the mysterious flux that Birrell and Davies claim, without any incoming photons. What would really happen, according to our own theory?

Let us go backward in time. The very weak flux hits the mirror. An infinitesimal flux is reflected forward in time. Most of the weak flux reflects from the mirror quite normally. But that means there was an incoming flux. A contradiction with the claim of Birrell and Davies.

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