January 4, 2024: We proved that Gauss's law fails for electromagnetism and that general relativity conflicts special relativity: this is because of retardation – The physics blog of Heikki Tuuri.
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Matter falling into a black hole radiates away ALL its energy in gravitational waves?
Friday, November 27, 2020
Every field equation with two interacting fields is nonlinear: how do we know in physics that singularities do not form?
Suppose that we have two fields φ and ψ. As free fields (no interaction) both fields are governed by a linear differential equation.
The fields might be the electromagnetic field and the Dirac field.
Theorem. If we add an interaction, then the system of φ and ψ is no longer linear.
Proof. Assume first that ψ_0 is identically zero. Pick a solution of φ_0 which is not zero.
The pair (φ_0, ψ_0) is a solution of the combined system.
Then pick a solution (φ_1, ψ_1) where φ_1 is identically zero but ψ_1 not.
But the sum these two solutions is not a solution because of the interaction. QED.
Thus, most of the field equations in quantum physics are nonlinear.
Mathematically, it is very hard to prove that a nonlinear differential equation does not develop singularities. Christodoulou, Klainerman, and Tao have tried to solve this problem for the Einstein equations or the Navier-Stokes equations.
We have the same problem of smoothness for most equations in quantum physics.
Freeman Dyson gave an argument for the non-convergence of the perturbation series in QED. The argument is explained in the above link, the Ph.D. thesis of Mario Bacelar Valente.
The convergence of a perturbation series is related to the general problem if a system has any solutions which do not develop singularities. Thus, the convergence problem of QED is really a ubiquitous problem in quantum physics.
What about renormalization? Infinities may appear because:
1. the field equation itself develops singularities, or
2. our approximation method is bad and creates singularities.
Suppose that we have a nonlinear field equation and send a 1 eV photon to a system governed by that field equation. How do we know that:
1. The system does not output a 1 GeV photon?
2. The system does not create a singularity and collapse into a black hole?
3. There is any solution to the problem at all?
4. The perturbation series which we use to approximate the process converges and does not have huge errors?
For nonlinear field equations, we generally do not know the answer to any of the above questions.
When doing physics we assume that the system is well-behaved. If we use Green's functions to construct a solution, we assume that high momenta p in the "spike" sources are canceled by destructive interference.
The renormalization problem and the convergence problem of QED are no isolated cases. Similar problems appear for all nonlinear field equations.
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Solved! Why does the Feynman propagator model correctly the Coulomb potential 1/r?
We can read the solution from a 1949 paper by Feynman, Space-Time Approach to Quantum Electrodynamics. In Section 4 Feynman presents the Fourier decomposition of δ_+(s_21^2), which is essentially a Coulomb potential if speeds are low.
Feynman analyzes scattering using the following recipe:
For each Fourier component of 1/r, estimate the scattering of the wave function of an incoming particle.
In the derivation of the Klein-Nishina formula we see that if we have a photon field of a momentum q and an arriving electron field of a momentum p, there will be a small perturbation in the electron wave function, and the perturbation looks like a scattered (virtual) electron of a momentum p + q. We say that the scattered electron has "absorbed" a photon.
Thus, once we decompose 1/r into Fourier components, we can use Klein-Nishina like thinking to analyze scattering from each component.
The connection between Compton scattering, the Fourier decomposition of 1/r, and the Green's function for the Klein-Gordon equation
It is no coincidence that a Feynman propagator approximates (classical) Coulomb scattering well. Schrödinger's equation models classical physics well. Feynman analyzes Schrödinger's equation using a Fourier decomposition of 1/r.
But why is the Fourier decomposition of 1/r similar to the Green's function for the Klein-Gordon equation?
The reason might be that we can build a permanent source (= a static charged particle) of the electromagnetic wave equation as a sum of sources lasting an infinitesimal time. That is, the field of a static charge is an integral over Green's functions over each infinitesimal time dt.
The mundane status of a "virtual photon"
We have a partial answer to the question: what exactly is the "virtual photon" of a momentum q which charges exchange when they scatter from each other's Coulomb potential?
The answer: the virtual photon is a weird way to say that we calculate how a particle scatters from one Fourier component (whose momentum is q) of the Coulomb 1/r potential of the other particle!
That explains how the charges "know" to exchange just one photon. They do not know anything but the 1/r potential. It is our perturbation approximation which imposes this fictional exchange of a photon.
A further question: can we reduce virtual photons in all cases to a mundane Fourier decomposition of a 1/r potential? Real photons exist separate from any 1/r potential. What about virtual?
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Destructive interference gives cutoff for the vacuum polarization loop?
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Can a linear wave equation describe the bending of waves in a potential?
We are trying to solve the mystery described in the two previous blog posts.
In the above paper, Richard P. Feynman calculates the Schrödinger equation behavior of a particle under a weak (electric) potential V.
If V is very weak, one can first solve the free particle equation, and then treat the slight change caused by V as a perturbation. Or is this really true?
If we have a beam of electrons, our experience is that an electric field deflects all electrons. A cathode ray tube works this way.
It is not that most electrons would pass the field undeflected, and there would be a small beam of "scattered" electrons.
The Schrödinger equation is a linear differential equation. If we solve the equation numerically, using small time steps Δt, can we solve the equation approximately by collecting a perturbation term which we add to the original free field solution? It cannot really be called a "perturbation" if it is able to deflect the whole beam of electrons.
The question: can the Schrödinger equation or any linear wave equation describe the bending of waves under a potential?
In optics, one calculates the refraction at the surface of glass by fitting waves that propagate in air to waves that propagate in glass. The wave equation is not used to describe the behavior at the surface.
We need to check the literature. Clearly, the perturbation method of Feynman cannot be used if we are dealing with the bending of a whole electron beam. But is the real problem in the linearity of the Schrödinger equation?
Bend a beam solution?
The Feynman approximation of summing the "scattered" waves is bad
Green's functions
A correction to Feynman's "The Theory of Positrons" paper?
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Why does the Feynman propagator model scattering from a 1/r potential?
From the link we find out that the Fourier transform for a spherically symmetric potential function
V(r) = 1 / |r|^a,
where 1 <= a < 3, in a 3D space, is
F(k) ~ 1 / |k|^(3 - a).
For the Coulomb potential, 1/r, the Fourier transform is
1 / |k|^2,
which looks like the Feynman momentum space propagator for the (virtual) photon:
1 / (p^2 + iε).
Scattering from a 1 / r potential
Friday, November 20, 2020
Why does the Feynman propagator for a photon model correctly Coulomb's law?
The Feynman propagator for a photon is derived from the Klein-Gordon equation.
The Klein-Gordon equation is analogous to the wave equation (for the electric field E) which one can derive from Maxwell's equations.
One obtains the Feynman propagator from the following question:
What is the "response" of a wave equation to a Dirac delta like source impulse at a point in space at a point in time?
The impulse response is called the Green's function.
We know that Feynman diagrams correctly model the Coulomb scattering of electrons and positrons. The scattering in classically governed by the Coulomb force. Why do Feynman diagrams work? They are derived from a wave equation, not from the Coulomb force equation.
Monday, November 16, 2020
The logic behind the renormalization group of a quantum field theory
We are currently studying renormalization groups, in order to understand why gravity is non-renormalizable.
Assaf Shomer has written a 10 page explanation of the non-renormalizability of gravity.
Let us calculate a Feynman path integral, using some large number Λ as a cutoff for momenta.
In QED, the integral over a (vacuum polarization) loop diverges badly, but by setting a cutoff we can calculate results which are empirically correct! Why is that? What is going on?
Shomer requires that the partition function (= the generator for all correlation functions) stays the same regardless of the cutoff. The correlation functions tell us the physical behavior of the system. Why would a relatively arbitrary cutoff Λ give the correct behavior and not another slightly different cutoff Λ'?
Maybe the right model is to adjust the values of coupling constants for various cutoff sizes, in a way that the integral which yields the partition function has the same value regardless of the cutoff size?
Shomer derives in his paper the equation (13), which determines the RG flow, that is, the dependency we must set on the coupling constants on the cutoff Λ, in order to have the partition function integral the same regardless of the cutoff.
How does this compare to the intuitive idea of scaling self-similar systems, as outlined in the Wikipedia article?
In what way does a higher Λ mean analyzing the system in more precise detail? Like we would analyze the block spin example of Leo P. Kadanoff in the Wikipedia article?
The analogy between a higher cutoff and more detail is not clear. We have to think more about this.
Bare charge and a dressed electron
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Quanta magazine claims that there is progress in the black hole information paradox
The Quanta article says that a group of researchers first considered black hole evaporation in the context of the conjectured AdS/CFT duality. Then they were able to eliminate the link to AdS/CFT using path integrals.
The Wikipedia page:
discusses the work of Penington et al.
The claims remind us of the announcement by Stephen Hawking in 2004 that he is able to recover the information which has fallen into a black hole, using Euclidean path integrals:
Does Hawking radiation exist? Vladimir Belinski has claimed that the calculation by Hawking is erroneous. In this blog we have raised questions about conservation of momentum if we assume that the black hole horizon radiates photons. A photon carries away a momentum p. What, and how, could absorb the opposite momentum -p?
As far as we know, no one has refuted the criticism by Belinski, and no one has shown a mechanism which would conserve momentum.
What about the claims that we can use a path integral and show that the information falling toward the black hole horizon is preserved, after all?
Let us assume that a macroscopic black hole forms, and it devours and crushes a large part of the wave function, or, of the path integral.
In quantum mechanics, one cannot simply throw away a part of the wave function or a path integral. It is a strange claim that the remaining part would be equivalent to the entire original wave function.
The horizon of a black hole is classically a one-way surface. Information can fall in, but can never come back.
Let us do a thought experiment: instead of a black hole, we have a horizon which leads to a wormhole, and the wormhole opens into a white hole in some other part of our universe. If we claim that the horizon necessarily returns back the information which has passed by, how do we explain that the same information ends up to another part of our universe? This is against the "no-copying" principle of quantum mechanics.
People who claim that a black hole horizon must necessarily give up the information it has devoured, kind of claim that the universe behind the horizon is "inferior" to our own universe. They think that the entropy should be calculated based on what is on our side of the horizon, and we should ignore what is behind the horizon. That does not sound like a reasonable assumption. Why would the other side be inferior to our side?
The Quanta magazine article points at the large number of assumptions and idealizations which Penington et al. use. That is a weakness in the new work.
Does a system eventually radiate all its entropy out in an asymptotic Minkowski space?
Do cosmological horizons somehow radiate back the entropy in the galaxies that they devoured?
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
The energy of a graviton has to be hf
Wikipedia states: "it is unclear which variables might determine graviton energy."
Let us assume that we have a mass M attached to a harmonic oscillator whose frequency is f. The harmonic oscillator device A is attached to the crust of Earth.
When the mass M swings in the oscillator, it produces a dipole gravitational wave.
Earth, in turn, produces an opposite dipole wave, which - far away - almost exactly cancels the dipole wave produced by M. This is the reason why observed gravitational waves are quadrupole, not dipole.
Let us then assume that we have another harmonic oscillator B of the frequency f close to our first oscillator A.
According to quantum mechanics, the oscillator A can only lose energy in units of hf, where h is the Planck constant.
If the gravitational interaction can transfer energy from A to B, it must happen in units hf. This strongly suggests that the energy of a single graviton is hf, just as it is for a single photon.
But does the oscillator A lose energy at all? Could it be that any energy state of A is stable under the gravitational interaction and cannot decay into a lower energy state?
If the mass M is huge, then we believe that gravitation behaves in a classical way. The oscillator B will certainly start to oscillate if A oscillates. This behavior might be measurable using a Cavendish torsion balance.
Thus, there is every reason to believe that the oscillator A can transfer energy packets of the size hf to B.
What does conservation of the ADM energy really mean?
Monday, November 9, 2020
Quantization solves the existence problem of the solutions for the Einstein equations?
In 1993, Demetrios Christodoulou and Sergiu Klainerman were able to prove the stability of the Minkowski vacuum under small perturbations.
But the existence of solutions for the Einstein equations remains unproven for essentially all practical cases - that is, if we have a non-symmetric, non-uniform mass distribution.
The Navier-Stokes equations
It is notoriously hard to prove the existence of smooth solutions for non-linear differential equations. The most famous example is the Clay Millennium Problem about the smooth solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations.
Let us think about a real physical fluid, say, water. A milliliter of water contains some 3 * 10^22 water molecules H2O. The Navier-Stokes equations approximate a viscous flow of a very large number of water molecules. The equations are an idealized effective theory of a macroscopic amount of water.
A priori, there is no reason why the equations would make sense, or have smooth solutions, if we extend them to the case where a water molecule is infinitesimally small. The Clay Millennium problem may have little physical relevance.
A water molecule size gives a natural cutoff scale for the Navier-Stokes equations. Approximate solutions of the equations are physically relevant provided that features whose size is of the order of a molecule do not affect the solution.
In the case of water, the quantum of water, a single molecule, saves us from the problem of the existence of smooth solutions.
Maxwell's equations
The electromagnetic field is another example of quantization. Maxwell's equations describe the behavior of a macroscopic classical field. We assume that a photon carries an energy hf, where h is the Planck constant and f is the frequency of classical (circularly polarized) macroscopic wave.
A very large number of coherent photons form a classical macroscopic wave. But Maxwell's equations do not describe the absorption of a single photon correctly. The equations are not aware of the quanta.
Maxwell's equations are an effective theory. Does it make sense to study the smoothness of the solutions for features whose size is much less than the photon wavelength? Probably not - a very short wavelength would involve a photon of a high energy. How could such a photon be produced? From where would the energy come from?
The Einstein equations
An improved perpetuum mobile for general relativity
The speed of sound inside a neutron star CAN exceed the vacuum speed of light
Evidence for quark-matter cores in massive neutron stars by Eemeli Annala, Aleksi Vuorinen et al. in Nature Physics June 1, 2020 studies the mass distribution of a neutron star, assuming an arbitrary function f:
pressure = f (energy density of matter).
The authors mention that most hadronic models predict that the speed of sound squared, c_s^2, is equal to 0.5 or larger for high densities (we use natural units where c = 1).
Is it possible for the speed of sound to exceed the vacuum speed of light?
The answer is definitely yes, if we define the speed of sound as the phase speed of a well-formed periodic pressure wave (a "sine" wave). That is, as the speed of the crest of wave. A crest of an infinite sine wave does not transmit any information from a point A to a point B. The speed of the crest is not constrained by the universal signal speed limit, that is, the vacuum speed of light c.
Lubos Motl in his blog post (2020), as well as George Ellis et al. in their arxiv paper (2007) claim that the "causal limit" for the speed of sound is the speed of light, c. But they fail to define what they exactly mean by the speed of sound.
When considering the stiffness properties of matter, the natural definition for the speed of sound is the phase speed, not the signal speed. The phase speed depends on the stiffness, and can exceed the speed of light.
wall |--------------------------| wall
As a practical example, consider a tense string which is attached to walls at its endpoints. If we pluck the string, we can create a standing wave into it. There is no speed limit for the phase speeds of the two sine wave components of the standing wave. The standing wave does not transport any information and is not constrained by the speed of light.